From M.o.1 -- Be sure to see the entire post here and to check out the next post after this one here. In the final post that I made on this, I actually identify the people in the pics! Identity of the Khaki Wearing Boston Bombing Operatives Revealedby Minority of OneSince the horrific bombing that occured at the Boston Marathon, there have been numerous theories and pictures that have been circulating. While everyone has been scrambling to be that first guy to get that story, numerous mistakes were made during the process. I am hoping that I may end up being able to clear up some of the rumors while pointing people at the correct target in the process.Let's get started w/ dispelling fact from fiction here:#1 - These Men Were "Craft Operatives"When everyone saw this particular picture:The internet went crazy w/ everyone stating how they "knew" that it was "Craft Operatives" who were behind the bombing. It seems like an obvious answer to some people without research but it takes minutes to find out the truth of the matter. Craft International IS NOT a private contractor company. All it take is going to their website to find this out. They are not "secretive" as suggested......they have a calendar of what they do. They do not have "operatives" but rather 4 trainers who handle all the training there. What do they teach? They are a firearms/personal protection school that teaches civilians, LEO and military. Here is their website so look for yourself: : They Had Backpacks Before The Blast But Not AfterwardsWith the very first picture shown, there are people saying that it was the guy w/ the "Craft" hat on who left his black backpack there containing the bomb. Again, many of these photos shown are not time stamped so if you do not take them in context, it will paint a different picture. Here is the pic shown all over the web:Here is the pic shown in context:
As you can see, this is clearly after the blast has happened therefore we can put that rumor to rest as well.
Who Were They Then?
The million dollar question.....who were these men? That answer is found with a little bit of digging. These men were National Guard CST (Civilian Support Team) on the ground with the event. How do we know this? There are certain things we can find when looking online.
According to this article from the Air National Guard site:"The Massachusetts team was on duty during the running of the Boston marathon, augmented by similar civil support teams from the New York and Rhode Island National Guards."So it would appear that the CST team on duty during the explosion was the Massachusetts Army National Guard's 1st Civil Support Team, augmented by New York's 24th CST and Rhode Island's 13th CST
They are the
New York Army National Guard's 24th Civil Support Team. Massachusetts Army National Guard's 1st Civil Support Team, augmented by New York's 24th CST and Rhode Island's 13th CST.
"A Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team (WMD-CST or CST) advises civilian responders in the event of a suspected weapon of mass destruction attack. CSTs are federally funded National Guard units established under Presidential Decision Directive 39. There are 57 fulltime teams: one in every U.S. state, Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam and the US Virgin Islands, and an additional team each in California, Florida and New York."
Here are more photos of them: is a photo of some of them wearing vests identifying them as CST:
The vehicles they are using are identical to those used by other Army National Guard CSTs as well, as can be seen here: for their use of non-standard uniforms instead of the Army Combat Uniform, here are earlier pictures from 2011 and 2012 of CST members wearing khaki and black:
This is from New York CST Training:
Lee Michel of BNL and Major Jody Lupo of the New York National Guard’s 24th Civil Support Team on training day at Brookhaven Lab is from Idaho CST training:
More pics - Alaska:
[url= National Guard 103rd Civil Support Team reaches out to youth/] National Guard 103rd Civil Support Team reaches out to youth/[/url]
From San Antonio, TX : Germany: Minnesota: Belgium: at the marathon: on duty in Washington D.C.: Here in black and Khaki and standing next to one of their trucks and as you can see, this looks EXACTLY like the trucks pictured above:
[url= Photos/LSSUSecConfComm0507.jpg] Photos/LSSUSecCon...[/url]
Here with a backpack that looks identical to those of the uniformed men in Boston: presence does lend credence to the idea that authorities may have had prior intelligence of a possible bombing, or were in fact holding a drill that day.
What Were They Doing There?
If you look at ALL the attached articles that were attached to those pics that I posted, the answer is hidden right in there. All of the reports from numerous eyewitnesses stating that they were told that there was a drill going on are CONFIRMED by seeing what National Guard CST does.
In every single one of those articles, you see that they specialize in nuclear and biological detection. As you can see in this pic shortly after the bomb went off in Boston, they even had a radiation detector with them:
We can even dicpher some faces and names as well. Look at the two guys in this pic that has traveled around the internet quite a bit as being "Craft Operatives" :
Now allow me to identify them for you. The guy w/ the hairline is a pic from the Massachusetts 1st Civilian Support Team during a drill they recently conducted:
See him there? Do you see anyone else from the day of the bombing? Several of those guys look strikingly familiar. Do you see anymore of the guys shown in all of these pics here? If you look, the first two guys pictured are in this recent picture of the Massachusetts 1st Civil Support Teams: believe what we have seen here is MORE THAN AMPLE proof that it was the National Guard CST team there onsite.
However, this DOES prove that there was indeed a training drill going on during the marathon. That is what the Civilian Support Team does. They are known for doing weapons of mass destruction training ops and were obviously there doing it on this day.
Everyone is looking in the wrong direction to find out just WHO was there. We need to ask the question as to why National Guard CST was on site during the bombing and what intel they had. There is ZERO need for speculation about who these guys are. The question needs to be why they were there and what they knew. Only once we are able to silence these myths can the truth be revealed.