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 The New York Times Agrees With G.W. Bush, Implies The Constitution "Is Just A Piece of Paper"

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The New York Times Agrees With G.W. Bush, Implies The Constitution "Is Just A Piece of Paper" Empty
PostSubject: The New York Times Agrees With G.W. Bush, Implies The Constitution "Is Just A Piece of Paper"   The New York Times Agrees With G.W. Bush, Implies The Constitution "Is Just A Piece of Paper" Icon_minitimeThu Feb 09, 2012 12:07 pm

The New York Times Agrees With G. W. Bush, Implies The Constitution “Is Just A Piece of Paper”

Saman Mohammadi
Thursday, February 9, 2012
The New York Times Agrees With G.W. Bush, Implies The Constitution "Is Just A Piece of Paper" 090212const

  • “Wolverine: Magneto’s right: there is a war coming. Are you sure you’re on the right side?
    Storm: At least I’ve chosen a side.” - X-Men (2000, Director Bryan Singer/Screenwriter Tom DeSanto).

  • “Col. Claus von Stauffenberg: I’m a soldier, I serve my country. But this is not my country. I was lying out there bleeding to death, thinking, if I die now, I leave nothing to my children but shame.” - Valkyrie (2008, Director Bryan Singer/Screenwriter Christopher McQuarrie).

“The Constitution has seen better days,” declares Adam Liptak, the Supreme Court correspondent of The New York Times, in his new piece called: ‘We the People’ Loses Appeal With People Around the World.

Liptak won’t tell you, but the Constitution is dead thanks in large part to the fact that the New York Times has judiciously covered up the Bush administration’s crimes against the Constitution, beginning on day one when G. W. and company stole the White House.

The article seems mild and tame on the surface, but once you scratch away the sugar-coated propaganda you see the total contempt for the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It is obvious why the “paper of record” is not interested in sticking up for the foundation of the United States of America: it wants to destroy the United States of America.

Indeed, the New York Times is an anti-American paper in the most clear sense of the term. It has let administration after administration chip away at the Constitution with the chisel of globalist and CIA propaganda, so why stop now? In these last days of the American empire, the shadow CIA is scattering the Constitution to the wind. So it would be backward and stupid for the Times to turn back the clock this late in the game and restore what it has tried to destroy for the last fifty years.

After the CIA’s assassination of JFK and the CIA-Mossad attacks on 9/11, how can any propaganda outlet like the New York Times save face and say sorry? The editorial staff of the New York Times, as well as the editorial staff of most other American and Western papers, have given up on America and on the rule of law. They are part of a treasonous globalist plot to force America and all nations to obey a global dictatorship run by criminal banks and fascist corporations.

In the past, these fascist globalist revolutionaries waged a covert and psychological war against the U.S. Constitution and the American people. But they have grown tired of pretending. 9/11 was their coming out party. A nuclear 9/11 may be finish off America for good.

The media traitors and globalist revolutionaries may be out of touch with reality and the common people, but that isn’t stopping them from showing their true fascist and authoritarian colours. Snakes like to show skin and stick out their tongue at their unassuming prey. That’s what they do.

If you think the Globalist and Zionist snakes have had fun raping the laws of America and plundering public treasuries from Washington to Baghdad, just wait for the next round of wars and bailouts. We haven’t seen nothing yet. Iraq was a prelude to Iran, and the 2008 bank bailout was a prelude to the coming global economic breakdown.

But there is a problem. Washington’s crisis of legitimacy is rearing its head into the popular, mainstream consciousness of America and the world. 91% of the American people disapprove of Congress. Pretty soon it will be 99%. Members of Congress have lost the people and the military. The only support they have is from an evil gang of international banksters who steal trillions of dollars from American taxpayers to pay their bills and keep them in office.

But the globalist crooks have an escape plan: global genocide and an authoritarian world government. They want to build a Global North Korea on the ashes of the American flag and the flags of other nations such as Iraq, Iran, Israel, Canada, and England. Nothing stands in their way but the truth of history and the good people of Earth.

Why are Washington’s planetary terrorists so hostile to the U.S. Constitution and the American people? Because they are deathly afraid of the power of both.

Kurt Nimmo and Alex Jones write in their article, “Globalist Campaign Calls for Abolishment of Constitution,” that, “what really irks the elite is the idea that government only exists by the consent of the governed and “whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends [of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness], it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,” as the Declaration of Independence states. In other words, it is the right of the people to revolt against government – preferably through peaceful means, but by violent revolution if need be, as Thomas Jefferson argued – when it becomes an oppressive tyranny, as it now is.”

On his radio broadcast on Wednesday, February 8, Alex said that the globalist criminals “have got to openly say ‘get rid of the Constitution’ in front of everybody because they’ve basically already gotten rid of it, and their criminals and they know it indicts them.”

We will find out the weight of the Constitution once the weight of the Dollar falls. G. W. called the Constitution “a piece of paper.” The paper of record agrees him, as does the current deranged and sociopathic President.

The question we should be asking is does an eighteenth century political document written by enlightened and liberty oriented philosophers apply to bloodthirsty and genocidal psychopaths in the 21st century who murder innocent people in a global game of terror? Can any law restrain lawless, shameless, amoral, and ruthless power brokers? If they don’t follow the golden rule, then how can we expect them to follow the U.S. Constitution and international law?

In my eyes, the Constitution can’t be destroyed by criminals who don’t recognize any laws. The Constitution and Bill of Rights can come alive again if a new generation of brave men are willing to pour their blood into these dead documents and sacrifice their lives for the cause of freedom.

The values of freedom, personal responsibility, and individual conscience that have raised America to the status of a global empire and enriched Western Civilization above every other civilization must be preserved in our time. Why despoil the sacred ground of liberty that produced such a rich and glorious civilization?

The mean-spirited fascist globalist revolutionaries want the people to live in poverty and ignorance, and accept permanent slavery as a fact of 21st century life. But there is another, more brighter future, if we can only see it.

Instead of degrading man, and trashing America and the West, as the globalist terrorists want us to do, we should preserve the best of the West and leave the rest behind. The U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence are among the treasures of Western civilization and must be preserved, both in spirit and in form. If they are just meaningless pieces of aged paper then what does that make America? Nothing but a pile of dirt.

America must not settle for dirt. It can aim higher.
Freedom is the heart and soul of America and Western man. The New York Times aka the globalist paper of misinformation needs to relearn this basic truth, and stop bashing the very thing that made America great in the first place.
Saman Mohammadi is the writer and editor at The Excavator Blog
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The New York Times Agrees With G.W. Bush, Implies The Constitution "Is Just A Piece of Paper"
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